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Healing Touch

Healing Touch is a biofield therapy that is an energy-based approach to health and healing. It compliments conventional health care and is used in collaboration with other approaches to health and healing.  Healing Touch uses touch to influence the human energy system, specifically the energy field that surrounds the body and the energy centers that control the energy flow from the energy field to the physical body. New research is beginning to lend quite a bit of evidence to the fact that human energy fields exist. And just as taught by the ancients, it’s becoming clear that those fields are comprised of light energy. In the truest sense, you are a being of light.

The goal of healing touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system placing  you in a position to self heal. It affects  physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and healing. The goal is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system placing to place you in a position to self heal.

I will place my hands on or above your body.  I will move from one part of your body to another, sending  energy through my hands. You may feel hot or cold, vibrations or other sensations as the energy moves through your body.  Each session is approximately one hour.


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